EYFS is the starting point of the pupils’ education and we have designed our EYFS curriculum and assessment framework to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that engages and inspires all of our pupils, no matter what their need or circumstance; develops a love of learning and prepares them for the next step in their formal learning.
Staff aim to provide a balance of adult-led and child-led learning through continuous provision and enhanced provision in our EYFS environment. We understand that it is crucial to the development of the child to provide high quality indoor and outdoor provision throughout the day where children can access different learning experiences.
Our EYFS learning environment - inside and out - should be a happy, stimulating and enriching set of spaces where the children can be curious and excited to learn in a place where the child’s interests are at the heart of the learning experience.
In line with the rest of our school, we have a clear action plan in place to further upgrade and develop our EYFS environment, provision and curriculum to provide better learning and teaching experiences for our pupils. The Learning Environment will have a range of areas covering all aspects of the curriculum.
Pupils have Individual Learning/Education Goals (IEP) and a My Education Action Plan (MEAP) through which we identify and work towards overcoming barriers to learning. We work alongside subject leaders to create a bespoke curriculum that allows for greater breadth and content for our EYFS pupils, whilst ensuring they have the same opportunities as their peers in preparing them for the next stage in their education.
Staff knowledge and understanding of EYFS continues to improve. The EYFS teachers attend all relevant meetings, liaise with colleagues in other schools and work closely with our SLT and with SEYT staff. The LSAs are developing their practice, supported by the EYFS lead and EYFS class teachers.
The school communicates effectively with parents via Seesaw, texts and emails from the office. The class teams build relationships with parents and carers by sharing regular updates about children's learning.
The children are happy, settled and good relationships have been established between the Class Teachers, LSAs and pupils. When the children come into school activities and opportunities to interact with staff and other children are set up to support children’s wellbeing.
Children are encouraged to be independent throughout the school day, with support being provided by staff where needed.
The EYFS team follows the whole school approach to sharing children’s progress with parents via parents evenings and end of year reports.
Effective strategies are in place to support pupils' transition from the Assessment Nursery into Reception at le Rondin. A parent presentation is held in June when key information, including dates is given.
Staff show a good knowledge of children in both their academic and pastoral journey. Moderation of assessment data, both internal and external, ensures accuracy, as well as providing CPD as required. We use the Early Years Developmental Journal (EYDJ), as recommended by SEYT, to monitor progress.
The EYDJ focuses on four broad areas of development:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSE)
- Communication
- Physical Development
- Thinking
Phonics assessments show a positive impact with all pupils making at least good progress. Observations and assessments show that children are accurately grouped with lessons of a good quality.
Other observations show pupils:
- children are highly motivated
- rapidly gain independence
- reading and writing are both progressing well with many children showing pleasing progress
- are gaining a wide range of skills and knowledge that are appropriate for their age or stage
- are applying key and core vocabulary in a range of situations
- are developing a range of physical movement and increased strength agility
- excellent and strong relationships between pupils and staff teams is evident