Design Technology

Subject Lead: Cat Teasdale


Design Technology at Le Rondin supports our children to explore and begin to understand the natural and man-made worlds in which we live. We offer experiences that engage natural curiosity and creativity, inspiring awe and wonder while allowing our children to develop an awareness of risks or hazards, and how to work safely and responsibly at a level appropriate to our children.

We aim to support children to tackle problems by valuing and testing ideas and designs. To see talking, thinking and imagining as essential elements in developing their understanding of how the world works allows them to feel valued members of their community. 

Ultimately, we hope to encourage our children to investigate the possibilities of design and technology, inspiring them to become the engineers, designers and innovators of the future and how to be informed citizens responsive to the needs of others and the world in which they live.


Our clear and comprehensive planning is in line with the Guernsey and EYFS curriculums, each year  group will undertake three topics, construction, textile and food / drink. There are appropriate and meaningful cross curricular links to underpin learning in multiple areas across the curriculum giving the children opportunities to learn life skills and apply skills to ‘hands on’ situations in a purposeful context.

Through our Design Technology curriculum, we will give our children the opportunity to develop meaningful life skills including ensuring that they are aware of health and safety issues relating to the tasks they undertake. That they are able to organise themselves especially when working independently giving them ownership and the opportunity to lead their own learning. As well as support when working collaboratively as part of a team learning to communicate effectively, listen and support, as well as work collaboratively to help one another towards a challenging, yet rewarding goal.


Le Rondin children will have clear enjoyment and confidence in design and technology. They will be able to demonstrate their knowledge when using the tools and skills needed for Design Technology and apply these attributes to other areas of the curriculum and beyond school into adulthood.

As we are a school for children with Special Educational Needs it is our aspiration that the large majority of children at Le Rondin will achieve Design Technology expectations in line with their developmental stage.