At Le Rondin we want our pupils to be ‘The Best they can be’ in all areas. The aim of the children becoming: Confident Individuals, Successful Learners, Responsible Citizens and Effective Contributors is promoted through our PE curriculum. All children participate in regular physical activity promoting physical, social, emotional and developmental advancement.
We believe that high quality teaching and opportunities can provide children with an ongoing active lifestyle enhancing their wellbeing and health as well as providing them with essential skills for their future. We believe that through PE children at Le Rondin gain experience in risk taking, building self confidence, working together whilst progressing their physical capabilities. Each child’s personality, talents and abilities are actively displayed.
Sessions are targeted to meet the needs of the children and to aid in progression through sport as well as improving gross motor skills, giving benefit to the children’s wider life. Children at Le Rondin learn to increase body control, coordination and dexterity as well as learning to cooperate and compete fairly. We believe that PE encourages children to cope with the unexpected; developing resilience, confidence and wellbeing.
At Le Rondin we structure activities to provide an enjoyable way to work together progressing in fundamental movement skills and targeting strength development to enable participation in more structured activities. This method of delivery ensures that children are ready for their next step.