Star of the Wing


Star of the Wing

Each week, the classes at Le Rondin each choose a child that has worked hard towards the weekly focus.

This term, in wing and whole school assemblies, we have been looking at the UNCRC and choosing a "Right of the Week" to work towards and the Star of the week is chosen in line with these rights.

West wing students then do a secret vote to choose who they think should be the overall winner for the week.

Friday 31st January 

Focus of the week: Concentrate!

This week our stars of the wing are:

East Wing

Alexander - for concentrating on sequencing three parts of a story

South Wing

Yuri - for concentrating in PE playing Tag Rugby

West Wing

Jessie - for concentrating on her gymnastics routine.


Friday 25th October

Focus of the week: Have a go!

This week our stars of the wing are:

East Wing

Kyson - for having a go at the swimming challenges

South Wing

Freddie - for having a go and trying really hard with his fantasy story.

West Wing

Alexander - for brilliant counting and having a go at running and crashing into PE mats.




Friday 11th October

Focus of the week: Be Curious!

This week our stars of the wing are:

East Wing

Freya - For showing great curiosity and asking fantastic questions in all subjects.

South Wing

Evie - For sharing lots of fantastic language; exploring the pumpkin farm independently and representing the school really well.

West Wing

Angelina - For being curious about her numeracy


Friday 4th October

Focus of the week: Don't Give Up!

This week our stars of the wing are:

East Wing

Gott - For working hard and with focus, care and always trying his best.

South Wing

Noah - For showing kindness to others, especially at the end of the day.

West Wing

Lewis - For trying his best in all subjects; always being positive and not giving up in sea swimming!


Friday 27th September

Focus of the week: Don't Give Up!

This week our stars of the wing are:

East Wing

Nico - For excellent speaking and listening during class discussions.

South Wing

Christiano - For making good choices with his work and finishing all that is asked of him.

West Wing

Seth - For amazing work in Literacy, Maths and for always giving your best effort and never giving up!


Friday 20th September

Focus of the week: New beginnings

This week our stars of the wing are:

East Wing

Jax - for being a really good friend and helping others.

South Wing

Aika - For settling in well at Le Rondin

West Wing

Riley - For a great start to year 6, settling in well with the new class.


Congratulations everyone!