The Parents, Staff and Friends Association (PSFA), raise funds on behalf of the children who attend Le Rondin School. The funds we need are raised by organising fundraising activities such as fetes, bingo evenings, cake sales and much, much more. We see these events not just as important fundraisers but as a way of providing social events that bring families, staff and friends of the School together as a vibrant, mutually supportive community. At times we also seek corporate, business and private sponsorship to supplement our own fundraising for more expensive items.
The funds raised provide equipment and opportunities for the children to participate in activities which fall outside of those generally provided by the States of Guernsey’s budget for Education. Over the years the PSFA has been able to fund an annual residential trip for every child in Year 6, refurbish the Hygge Sensory Room, install a state of the art Virtual Reality room, provide sensory equipment in the hydro-therapy pool and refit the soft play room so that all the children can access stimulating and therapeutic environments. These facilities promote well-being and complements the children’s learning.
We also provide things such as picnic benches, gazebos and play equipment. We are able to be successful in our work due to the close and supportive working relationship the PSFA has with Mrs Sullivan and the School’s Leadership Team. It is the School Staff who identify what resources they need for the children. The PSFA then has a clear guide as to what funds we need to raise in order to fulfil requests for the School. If asked the PSFA will also cover the cost of professional training so all staff have the skills and expertise they need to use the resources purchased by the PSFA. This ensures the children get the maximum benefit from the equipment.
We are also fortunate to have the support of all of you who make up Le Rondin School Community who attend our events, make donations and give of your time and skills so generously.