Our upcoming projects!

Le Rondin PSFA

Le Rondin Library Renovation

The Project
The leadership team of Le Rondin School have asked the PSFA to raise funds to support the refurbishment and updating of the School Library.  The library was fitted out when the school opened in 2005 and had been and continues to be a central part of the school’s educational provision.  However, during the intervening years, the nature and use of school libraries have changed to accommodate new technologies and learning styles. Additionally, the library has to be flexible and adaptable to cater for the current pupils and future pupils needs.  To meet these needs, we have designed a new inspirational library that is fully inclusive and meets the diverse and growing needs of the pupils.

Design and Development Stage.
It is the updating of the furniture and fixtures that the PSFA have been asked to raise funds to purchase together with specialist equipment for those children who are not able to read either because of learning difficulties or sensory impairment. This includes an audio library, listening posts, book bags and interactive devices that promote enjoyment of stories and encourage the development of early literacy skills.  In so doing it will assist the children in developing independent learning and life skills that will be transferable across the school curriculum.
At the beginning of the Library Project in October 2022 we engaged with a UK manufacturer. It was decided that the school needed a more specialist, bespoke design that was best obtained by engaging a local architect, Annalisa Ozanne
During the design stage Annalisa and her colleagues visited the school and the pupils were also consulted and came up with ideas and chose the design theme of ‘The forest in the Forest’.  

The school library is at the heart of the school supporting the entire academic and sensory curriculum.  Our new library will provide a welcoming, comfortable and accessible environment that supports the learning of all the children irrespective of their abilities, aptitudes or special needs. This will help the children increase their knowledge and understand and develop important
literacy and life skills.  This will enhance attainment and a love of learning, promoting pupils' self-esteem and well-being.  The benefits will also spill over into the children’s home environment through our library loan system. This included the loan of traditional story books, audiobooks and non-fiction materials. There will also be reading bags and assistive devices for those children that need extra support to access books and printed materials. 

It is therefore anticipated that the new library will have a beneficial impact across the whole of Le Rondin School community.

How can you help?

If you would like to donate towards our project you can do so the following ways:

Bank transfer:

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  • Sort Code:
  • Account Number:


Via the payment link below