Term dates

The school terms dates are listed below for the academic year 2024/25

Click the link below the table to view the previous and future academic years term dates on the States of Guernsey website. 

Autumn Term  
Monday 2nd September  Term Starts (Staff)
Friday 6th September Term Starts (Pupils - Yr 1-6)
Wednesday 11th September Term Starts (Reception & Nursery)
Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November Half Term
Friday 20th December Term Ends
Spring Term  
Monday 6th January Term Starts (Staff)
Tuesday 7th January Term Starts (Pupils)
Monday 24th February to Friday 28th February Half Term
Friday 11th April Term Ends
Summer Term  
Monday 28th April Term Starts (Staff)
Tuesday 29th April Term Starts (Pupils)
Monday 5th May May Day Bank Holiday
Friday 9th May Liberation Day
Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May Half Term
Friday 18th July Term Ends