Religious Education

Subject Lead: Tamara Beach


Our Religious Education (RE), Philosophy and Ethics curriculum is designed to ensure that our learners develop an understanding of the world religions, faiths and other beliefs by exploring similarities and differences.  We believe that it is an essential area of study which ensures that children are prepared for life in a world where there are a multitude of viewpoints.  It will provide children with the opportunity to make their own informed decisions about their own beliefs and views. 

Where possible, Le Rondin pupils will also be taught to understand and use appropriate vocabulary linked to their RE curriculum, which will support their development in other curriculum areas such as Literacy.  RE, Philosophy and Ethics is linked into other curriculum areas such as PHSE by teaching about stereotypes, respect and tolerance.


Children attend 3 assemblies a week either in the school hall or in their wings.  Not all the assemblies will have a religious element to them, for example some may be music assemblies to learn new songs for Harvest or Christmas.  Where applicable, Nursery may attend some of these assemblies. 

RE is taught in accordance with the approved Guernsey Agreed Syllabus, the following religions have been selected for study: 

Christianity, as the main religion studied in both KS1 and KS2.
Judaism, in KS1 and KS2.
Islam, only in Upper KS2


In EYFS children will be introduced to RE through involvement in different christian celebrations such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter. This will be done through exploration of Christian artifacts and including those in cultural and religious use (e.g. Christmas cards, Easter eggs and hot cross buns).  They will also learn about religious beliefs and traditions at Christmas and Easter through the use of bible stories.

KS1 and KS2

RE at Le Rondin is taught to all year groups from Year 1 to Year 6 in a weekly 40 minute sessions.  In KS1, children will focus mainly on Christianity and start to think about religion and why it is important.  At the end of Year 2 they will begin to be introduced to Judaism.  This will then be built upon and knowledge developed more in Lower Key Stage 2.  In Upper Key Stage 2 we will also start developing an understanding of the other religions, as well as providing the students with the opportunity to reflect on and develop their own views and beliefs.

Language and Communication Classes (L & C)

The L & C classes follow a specific timetable.  Lessons are taught through sensory experiences.  Similarly to EYFS, children in L & C will complete RE activities that follow christian celebrations such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter.  Where possible they will also learn through the use of bible stories and attend assemblies.


We will measure and monitor students’ progress during RE teaching in the following ways:

Images and videos of children’s learning.  These may also be shared on Seesaw.
If suitable, Mind maps of children’s understanding and knowledge at the beginning and end of a topic.
Written work in students’ books.


    Children in all year groups from year 1 up to year 6 will have weekly RE lessons and evidence of this will be found in RE books or shared on Seesaw.

    Through their learning, children will develop an understanding of religion and that people have a wide range of beliefs within the community.  They will also be encouraged to start thinking about how religion is linked to their life and reflect on their own personal beliefs and whether or not they follow a religion. 

    Through learning about the different religions and beliefs, children will be inspired to ask questions and engage in meaningful dialogue about what they are learning in relation to a range of contemporary issues in today’s society.

    We hope that children will develop an understanding and tolerance to other people’s beliefs and cultures and recognise it is acceptable to not have the same beliefs as other people in an ever-changing world.