Star of the Wing 2023-24

Star of the Wing

Each week, the classes at Le Rondin each choose a child that has worked hard towards the weekly focus.

This term, in wing and whole school assemblies, we have been looking at the UNCRC and choosing a "Right of the Week" to work towards and the Star of the week is chosen in line with these rights.

West wing students then do a secret vote to choose who they think should be the overall winner for the week.

Friday 9th February

Safer internet day 6th February

This week we looked at these rights:

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This week our stars of the wing are:

East Wing

Jack - for always listening & following instructions to keep himself safe.

South Wing

Maceo - for participating well with his learning.

West Wing

Grace - for working independently to accurately draw a shape with a given area.


Congratulations everyone!

Friday 2nd February

Children's Mental Health Week

This week we looked at this right:



This week our stars of the wing are:

East Wing

Conor - for trying new, healthy food, showing good hand hygiene and being an excellent sport in gymnastics.

South Wing

Freddie - for excellent effort in maths - counting higher and higher!

West Wing

Daniel - for excellent effort in phonics and reading


Congratulations everyone!

Friday 26th January

Double whammy!!

This week we looked at these rights:



This week our stars of the wing are:

East Wing

Deacon - for improved reading, maths and for growing in self-confidence during circle time & playtime.

South Wing

Roxy - for excellent behaviour and trying new foods on the cultural experience trip.

West Wing

Ben - for asking for help and sharing his feelings appropriately


Congratulations everyone!

Friday 19th January

Double whammy!!

This week we looked at these rights:



This week our stars of the wing are:

East Wing

Ryan - For using his communication board, signing and talking to express his needs.

South Wing

Alexander - for his enthusiasm and effort using Rekenrek.

West Wing

Alix - For settling back into school well and trying hard with his learning.


Congratulations everyone!

Friday 20th October


This week we looked at this right:


This week our stars of the wing are:

East Wing

Beau - for asking great questions and extending his learning through play.

South Wing

Hermione - For working hard in Literacy with her reading and when listening to adults.

West Wing

Dylan - for trying hard with his team when playing football, even when he found it frustrating.


Congratulations everyone!

Friday 13th October


This week we looked at this right:


This week our stars of the wing are:

East wing

Elara G - for working independently on her Maths & Literacy

South wing

Samuel - for excellent effort in Maths & fabulous communication in Swimming

West wing

Wilson - for great effort in class and on the playground


Congratulations everyone!

Friday 29th September and Friday 2nd October


This week we looked at these rights:

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This week our stars of the wing are:

East wing

Owen - for being a good role model

Beau G - for being positive towards all his work

South wing

Kyla - for working hard on her writing

Memphis - for using his communication board

West wing

Evan - for clearly & confidently in Harvest

Frankie - for trying hard with all his work


Congratulations everyone!

Friday 22nd September

This week we looked at these rights:







This week our stars of the wing are:

East wing Freya - for being cheerful & confident in class.
South wing Seth - For having a go at EVERYTHING!
West wing Jacob R - for amazing effort in his Maths.

Congratulations everyone!